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Take a moment to explore our FAQ section, and if you need further support, feel free to reach out to us below.

Frequently asked question

Why Choose WP Starter Pack?

Explore an extensive selection of top-notch WordPress plugins and themes, offering you access to the perfect tools for any task. Experience significant savings along the way.

How Do We Offer Such Incredible Savings?

Thanks to the General Public Licence (GPL) governing WordPress items, once we purchase a plugin or theme, we’re free to share it. Your membership helps fund these acquisitions from third-parties. It’s crowdfunding at its best, allowing us to slash prices and pass those savings directly to you. Dive deeper into our approach on our ‘about us’ page.

Is Support Included?

For most products, no. To maintain our unbeatable prices, we don’t offer direct support for third-party plugins or themes. For technical assistance, purchase directly from the product’s author (we provide links), consider hiring a freelancer, or explore the helpful WordPress community forums. However, we do offer full support for essential services. Additionally, we’re here to assist with all billing inquiries. Our competitive pricing is possible because we prioritize product access and essential support.

Are These Authentic Products?

Absolutely! We provide the original files for our plugins and themes, sourced directly from developers or reputable marketplaces. Rest assured, our products are frequently updated, virus-free, and maintain the quality you expect from the original sources.

Do You Provide Product Updates?

Absolutely! Enjoy frequent updates, as visible in our changelog on the website. For a detailed update history, check out our changelog.

Can I Make a Request for a New Item?

Yes, you can! While we have an extensive collection of plugins, we’re always open to suggestions. If there’s a specific theme or plugin you’d like to see added to our library, please let us know. We’ll do our best to acquire and add it to our offerings, ensuring our members always have access to the best tools available.

Are There Any Restrictions on the Number of Downloads?

Enjoy limitless downloads and make the most of your WP Starter Pack experience. However, we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to fair use practices, ensuring an optimal and smooth download journey for everyone. Your cooperation contributes to a positive and seamless community experience.

Can I Keep the Plugins/Themes After My Subscription Ends?

Absolutely! Thanks to the GPL licence, you can retain them. However, for future updates, you’ll need an active subscription with us.

Can I Get a Refund?

Unfortunately, no. Due to the digital nature of our products, once downloaded, they can’t be “returned.” Unsure? Consider a monthly subscription first.

Can I Cancel Anytime?

Absolutely. Just log into the members area and visit the subscriptions link. Need help? We’re here to assist. No questions asked.

I’m Prompted for a Registration Code. What Should I Do?

No worries! That’s for automatic updates or support registration. The item works flawlessly without it. If you encounter any rare issues, please send us a ticket with details, screenshots, or videos explaining the problem.

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